Before Computers

This is Mr. Stahl, and his son in August 1956…LA, yes, THAT, LA. 

Before it was LA

He found a sliver of land, on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the flatlands below. 

This was his dream house.

We all get about 1 dream house in our life… one that consumes us, bankrupts us, drives us crazy… and this was his.

He earned those muscles building the foundation of the cliffs edge, borrowing more land, from thin air, dangling over the cliff, to extend the cliff, just a tiny bit more.

It became THE STAHL HOUSE, now of the most iconic, famous, dreamy, touristy visited houses in a city of millions…

All, done BEFORE computers, in a sandbox design, like this…proving to all, it could be done.


See how the streets below, are lined up with the exact lines and angles of the house above?

This is part of SITING a house, exactly where it belongs.


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